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Vibrational Spectroscopy in Drug Checking: Raman and FTIR Comparison

Spectra Staff

Updated: Nov 11, 2024

Vibrational spectroscopic techniques, such as Raman Spectroscopy (Raman) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), have been widely used in various industries to answer the question "what's in this substance?" . This includes forensic analytical chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and materials science to name a few. In pharmaceuticals, they are used to characterize the active ingredients of prescription medication products or detect counterfeit drugs. In forensics, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy are used to analyze evidence and identify unknown organic substances in various forms including powders, liquids and fibers. These techniques have become essential tools in these fields due to their ability to provide detailed information about molecular structures and chemical compounds.

Additionally, both techniques are increasingly being used in drug checking for public health, allowing for the identification of substances within the unregulated drug supply in near real-time, helping to prevent overdoses and other harms in communities.

This blog post will delve into the principles and differences between Raman and FTIR spectroscopy, discussing their strengths and limitations, and exploring Raman's unique advantage with Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS).

Similarities of Raman and FTIR

Raman and FTIR spectroscopy share commonalities in the way their signal information is generated and interpreted as they are both vibrational spectroscopic techniques. The term "vibrational" originates from the fact that these tools measure the vibrational frequencies of molecules in the form of a spectrum, which are unique to each type of chemical bond present in those molecules. In simple terms, a Raman or FTIR spectrum is like a molecular fingerprint - it's a unique pattern of peaks and troughs that correspond to specific chemical bonds, allowing scientists to analyze and identify the molecules present in a sample. In this way, the techniques can be thought of as “siblings”, or two sides of the same coin.

FTIR spectrometer with sample analysis.
FTIR spectrometer with sample analysis.

How Raman and FTIR Differ in Analysis

Both techniques are powerful tools for identifying chemical compounds and are typically considered non-destructive with minimal sample preparation. However, they differ in their operational principles and selection rules. FTIR measures the absorption of infrared light from a sample, detecting changes in the dipole moment of molecules, making it sensitive to polar bonds like C=O, O-H, and N-H. In contrast, Raman spectroscopy is based on the inelastic scattering of monochromatic laser light, detecting changes in the polarizability of molecules, making it sensitive to non-polar bonds like C=C, C-S, and aromatic rings.

Put in a more simple way, FTIR is looking for changes in the way the molecules are charged, while Raman is looking for changes in the shape of the molecules. From the perspective of the technician, a spectrum of a sample may show more intense peaks and valleys if analyzed with one technique or the other, depending on the nature of the molecules being tested.

As an example, below is the signal generated from pure fentanyl from both techniques.

A positive fentanyl result when using Raman and FTIR.
A spectrum of high concentration fentanyl when using Raman (blue) and FTIR (orange).

Strengths and Limitations of Raman and FTIR

The relative advantages of Raman and FTIR spectroscopy stem from the way they analyze the sample and what they are sensitive to. As noted above, FTIR spectroscopy excels in identifying polar bonds due to its sensitivity to changes in dipole moments which can make it ideal for differentiating some families of molecules, but also means it can be hindered by other common polar molecules like water (more below). Raman spectroscopy excels in identifying non-polar bonds but can create interfering light from its own laser with fluorescent molecules.

Water & Fluorescence

FTIR can be limited by solvents like water as this molecule strongly absorb IR light and therefore “block” the signal of other molecules present. Raman spectroscopy does not experience interference from water or “damp” samples  but can be limited by fluorescence interference. This is due to the fact that it adds energy to the sample by using a high powered laser, thereby creating potential to emit interfering light from fluorescent molecule in the detection signal.

Limit of Detection

Without enhancements, both techniques face limitations in detecting small concentrations of chemicals due to inherent cut-offs in their analytical sensitivity. Generally, the “limit of detection” or lowest quantity of substance both Raman or FTIR can detect within a sample is 5% wt/wt, depending on the target molecule and mixture complexity.

Sample Preparation

Another consideration is sample preparation. While both techniques are considered non-destructive (i.e. the substance that gets analyzed is not consumed or destroyed) FTIR requires samples to be pressed between its anvil and ATR crystal, which needs direct contact made with those surfaces. While usually not cumbersome, this requires consistent wipes and cleaning between samples and can lead to the possibility of "sample carryover" or cross contamination if not cleaned properly.

Testing surface of an FTIR spectrometer.
Testing surface of an FTIR spectrometer, with the anvil above the ATR crystal. The sample gets compressed between these surfaces for analysis.

Raman spectroscopy on the other hand, with conventional Raman scanning does not require direct contact with the sample. Samples in clear containers and bags can be analyzed directly through their physical barriers which minimizes sample handling and challenges with cross contamination.

Scan through clear baggies with Raman spectroscopy by using Amplifi ID's Bulk Scan mode.
Test through clear baggies with Raman spectroscopy by using Amplifi ID's Bulk Scan mode.

Raman's Unique Advantage with SERS

Raman spectroscopy can create a significant advantage for drug sample analysis when adding Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). SERS dramatically increases the Raman scattering efficiency by utilizing metal nanoparticles, typically made of gold or silver, which enhance the local electromagnetic field when excited by laser light. This enhancement increases the Raman signal by many orders of magnitude, allowing for the detection of very low concentration analytes. From the perspective of the technician, this allows for chemicals to be detected below 1% wt/wt as the signal strength of many active drug molecules becomes much higher. SERS also mitigates the issues experienced with fluorescence as it enhances the Raman scattered signals without enhancing fluorescence ones. In these ways, SERS expands the analytical utility of Raman spectroscopy, enabling the detection of low concentration samples with high specificity, and providing a level of sensitivity that IR spectroscopy cannot achieve due to the lack of comparably developed enhancement techniques.

Drug Checking with Amplifi ID: Raman and SERS

Amplifi ID uses both Raman spectroscopy and SERS to analyze an unknown sample. This allows the technician to maximize the analytical information gained from the measurement by detecting noteworthy analytes below the conventional 5% weight value detection cut-off of commonly used techniques. Practically speaking, Amplifi ID operators can see the “blind spots” of traditional vibrational spectroscopic methods and detect potent active agents which may contribute to sample toxicity.

The prevalence of an active component (e.g. carfentanil) as the percentage increases.
The prevalence of an active component (e.g. carfentanil) as the percentage increases. Amplifi ID's Trace Scan mode allows you to see some components down to 0.1% weight value, whereas Raman (Bulk Scan) and FTIR has a limit of ~5%.

If you want to learn more, stay tuned for future posts on this topic. Until then, check out our Xylazine White Paper, which includes a comparison of Amplifi ID and FTIR using real world samples, or reach out with any questions.

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